Monday, March 3, 2008

Political Power

A new revolution awaits us. We do not have much time to act until this battle will not be able to be won without bloodshed. We may already be too late; I do not believe so. But we must act now. All of us individually, but as a team; a collective force of self-interested beings; in the fight for our lives and those of our posterity.

Yesterday I read an article by Rick Koerber, The FreeCapitalist. In this article, Rick outlined, among other things, where political figures get their power and what they have the ability to use it on. He then issued a call to action to interested parties to get involved with the progress of liberating Americans from the political bands that bind us. I recommend you read his article at the following address:

On July 4, 1776, fifty-six men pledged their lives, reputations, and fortunes to start a movement to liberate a people from the political tyrants of their day. This revolution for freedom has led to the most free, most prosperous, and most productive people in the history of mankind. It all started with the following [extremely compound] sentence:
"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."-Declaration of Independence, 4 July 1776 (italics and bold added)

Due to the tyrannical reign of the British political figures of the day (primarily King George the 3rd), the colonists of the North American continent were furious about the political bands that bound them to Britain. The Declaration of Independence was a publicly announced list of grievances justifying the colonists' reason for forcefully resisting the authority of the British Empire.

Every human being is endowed by God with certain unalienable rights. Government does not give man these rights or grant him authority to exercise such rights. They are private property owned by every individual. As the British governmental forces continued to destroy the colonists' rights, there came a time where those with courage and understanding of the ancient principles of prosperity took up arms to defend their right to life, liberty and "the pursuit of happiness"; a phrase that included their desire to own private property and maintain a freedom of conscience, among other things.

Today the situation is quickly approaching the same type of overwhelming tyranny against personal rights, endowed by God. Here's some grievances that could be on our list: Americans are mandated to have specific equipment on their cars, our right to raise our children as we best judge has been infringed so tightly that anyone can have their children taken from them without any substantial reason other than a vague laws. Government officials detain us constantly for a myriad of automobile related "regulation". Giving them almost carte-blanc authority to harass anyone at almost any time. And now we see bureaucrats having been given authority to create administrative laws that can lead to criminal charges based upon their unquestionable "authority" without any accountability to "the people". And now a banking system that has been given control of the entire economy is trying to stop the inevitable"recession" by inflating our money away. This ALWAYS leads to a complete devaluation of the currency. If they follow the slippery path they are on this will have dire consequences.

A new revolution awaits us. We do not have much time to act until this battle will not be able to be won without bloodshed. We may already be too late; I do not believe so. But we must act now. All of us individually, but as a team; a collective force of self-interested beings; in the fight for our lives and those of our posterity.

Do you know what to do? Do you want to learn how? Do you know who's raising the standard of liberty? Find out now by visiting the following blog:

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