Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Check this out!

Check out my new web site allowing you to get involved with me in a business project designed to work for anyone in the current market conditions. Look into it today! http://www.ProsperMyLife.com

Monday, April 28, 2008

When the going gets tough... Create more value!

I'm not sure if you all are watching the current market conditions as closely as I am, but I recommend doing the research to figure out what's driving these unusual conditions.

The mortgage market is in the toilet, the stock market seems to only move when the fed raises or lowers the rate (lately it's only lowering - expect that again this time). Precious commodities you'd think would be on the constant rise as they have been up until about a month ago, but everyone's expecting the fed to lower the rate one more time and then sit and watch it. The whole world, it seems, is waiting to see if they can survive based upon the decisions of a few old men. The fed, although not a federal agency per se has God-like control on the money supply of this country and through this, the world.

What is everyone doing? Waiting.

For what, you may ask? More predictable conditions, market problems to "work themselves out".

Will they? Some say that the presidential election in November will determine the future actions this country will take to an economic recovery. McCain will play the republican role of stimulating trickle-down-economics by giving the rich tax cuts to rebuild, Hillary will force everyone to have medical insurance, no matter the cost and will make it harder for banks to relieve the burden of borrowers not paying their mortgages, Obama and Clinton will take from the rich and give to the poor increasing our incentive to look poor on paper.

Are any of these solutions the answer? I decree, NO!

As indicated by Ronald Reagan in his inaugural address, "...in this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem."

If we are to overcome this seemingly inescapable financial crisis, we must act to use government as intended by the founders: to protect our RIGHTS. Nothing more.

Government has taken the role of protector, adviser and for too many the provider. I'm not only talking about those getting money from entitlement programs such as Social Security, Disability, Medicare, Medicade, Percription Drugs for the elderly, VA, FHA, CHIP, and so forth, I also mean those employed by the government in positions not critical to protecting our BASIC, God-given rights of LIFE, LIBERTY, and PROPERTY. The government is not to ensure we stay alive, they are to punish those who take other's lives. The liberty they are supposed to be protecting, they are now doing more to inprison us with shackles of regulation.

If we are to again be the most prosperous nation in this world, we must DRAMATICALLY reduce the size and scope of our government. We must use laws to limit the government not the governed.

Where do you start? Get your affairs in order. CREATE VALUE like there IS a tomorrow. Get yourself off the dole; then get involved in helping others free themselves of this system so that we can gradually phase it out and get back to the necessities of government.

Are times tough for you right now? You're not the only one. Don't allow yourself to sit idle whining about the economy. Recognize the situation and work to improve it. No matter how bad things are for you, life doesn't care. Life will happen to you whether you want it to or not. There's no escaping it. I know what you're thinking, there is a way out of life. Don't forget, that is just a part of life, not an escape hatch; you'll get out of more than you want by taking it. YOU CAN LIVE A LIFE YOU LOVE. Focus on the success you will have in the future and get through the failure you may be suffering right now. You can do it. If you believe that, you will do it.

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