Monday, February 6, 2012

Joshua Powell Proven Guilty?

The evidence regarding Josh Powell's guilt now seems clear and convincing that he is capable and willing to kill someone close to him. As a father, I'm appalled and emotionally drained thinking that someone would intentionally harm children; especially one's own children.

While evidence in a courtroom requires that guilt be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, there will be no more courtrooms for Josh Powell; just a final judgment by someone who knows exactly what happened. A true, full, righteous judgment. The kind that only God can make.

For those of us on earth, left with a huge void where we expected an explanation, it seems clear that Joshua Powell intentionally killed himself and his two boys. The testimony of the most involved witness, (the case worker) and the email to his attorney saying 'I'm Sorry, Goodbye', I believe, would be adequate proof to convict him of their murder.

The whereabouts of Josh's wife and these two boys' mother is still unknown, most people will likely draw the conclusion that this act proves that she is dead at Josh's hand. I disagree that the explosion 'proves it', but agree that it does seem more likely now that Josh is the party responsible for his wife's disappearance.

It is possible that two years of public persecution, and more recent court decisions against him being with his children, had pushed him over the edge of his sanity. Only a man who is mentally ill could do what Josh Powell did yesterday. He would have had some justification in his mind, one that would have had to be just as insane as it seems to us. It is also possible that this insanity existed all along and was the cause of Susan's disappearance.

I sided with Josh in a previous post because the facts didn't seem to support the deprivation of his children. The facts now show clearly that he was a danger to those boys and himself. It is possible that the authorities had proof of that danger before and we were just not informed via the media. While it may now be too late for us to do anything about it, we can take heart that he will be dealt with properly and eternally for his actions.

Josh -- I'm sorry, goodbye.

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