Thursday, November 20, 2008

Pamela Anderson, Tuesday, wrote a letter of recommendation to President Elect Obama asking him to legalize marijuana, take steps to "prevent" molestation, along with other things. You can read this article at the following web address:

I agree and disagree with the points in her letter and as such would like to comment on them.

1. Leonard Peltier was convicted by a jury of his peers. He exercised his right to an appeal as is proper when one believes they've been wrongly convicted; the conviction stood. Either a) he's guilty; or b) the system is broken and needs to be fixed. Either way, he is to stay in jail until one of those things change.

2. The jails are full due to constantly growing legislation in the realm of "malum prohibitam". Solution: stop prohibiting things that don't violate other peoples RIGHTS.

3. Preventing molestation by castrating potential molestors sounds outwardly like a great solution; but who get's to decide who the people are that get their jewels cut off because they're a "potential" molestor? That sounds like a direct violation of their right to chose if they will actually commit the crime! This one idea won't fill the jails up more, but the jails are full of people who haven't actually committed crimes "malum in se". Creating laws prohibiting certain acts to prevent actual crimes only fill up the jails with people who haven't yet actually violated anyone's rights.

4. Legalise marijuana and hemp. How does posessing or even using these herbs personally affect anyone but yourself? People argue that someone that is 'high' could drive wrecklessly and kill someone accidentally or damage property; I agree. There's already laws against vehicular manslaughter. If they cause damage to someone else or their property, they should be punished for that damage. Laws that attempt to prevent someone from having access to these herbs don't work and cause corruption and increased jail time for people that don't want to be ruled by an authoritative government. These plants can be used for so much more than recreational consumption, but there's nothing 'malum in se' (wrong) with even using them recreationally.

5. Bring the troops home safely. Yes, always. Make sure bad people know we're not afraid to shoot back, then put our guns away when "the coast is clear".

6. "Stop animal testing" she claims this is unproductive and mean. I posit that we should stop government involvement in scientific research and let people using unproductive research methods go bankrupt for their inability to adapt to a constantly changing scientific world. Punish researchers if they violate other PEOPLE's rights.

7. Get rid of private insurance and private medicine? Let the government handle it? WTF? Does she even listen to herself? (see her arguments 1-6) The government screws up everything it touches! We should only let the government control what can not be more fairly controlled by individuals or businesses that can be boycotted by market forces. The degree to which the government has become involved in any industry (especially medical) is the degree to which they fail!

8. Promote vegetarianism? This is an example of the unintended consequences in making the government responsible for our health (see 7). It's cheaper on everyone if we just live healthily, so it does hurt other people if we're not vegetarians, or exercise two hours a day, or sleep enough, etc. you get the point. Seeing healthy people living happily around us promotes a healthy lifestyle; if you want to promote it: be it!

9. Shut down Guantanamo Bay; I agree. All human beings have natural rights to their life and the productive result thereof (life liberty and the pursuit of happiness). ALL other roads lead to oppression, death and destruction. Government was instituted by men to protect these rights and should be dissolved when it becomes destructive to this end.

10. Immigration, taxation, and entitlement mentality are indisputably connected. Here's how you solve them: bring us your poor, your tired, or your huddled masses; we'll let them work and keep what they create. The work they produce here in our country creates wealth for all who participate. If you don't work, and don't create anything; the laws of the universe dictate that you will perish of exposure, thirst, or hunger. Create value for a church or charity or caring person and they'll help keep you alive even if this value is only feeling good about helping you. Create value somehow or die. So say the laws of the universe.

The one and only job of the government is to defend and preserve liberty. Anything more or less allows tyranny and will always, always, ALWAYS lead to death, hatred, and unhappiness.

Government is not the solution to our problem; Government is the problem - Ronald Reagan, first inaugural address, Tuesday, January 20, 1981.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Fiat Currency - A friend's take:

The following article was posted by a close friend of mine, Ryan Nelson. I thought it noteworthy as he articulates very well the concept of fiat currency and how important for each of us to understand this concept and the unintended consequences of the actions being taken by our elected representatives as well as an appointed few. Enjoy this terrific "light reading":

Patric Henry...... Today.

“Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains & slavery?... I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!” These bold, passionate words spoken by Patrick Henry in 1775 still touch & inspire freedom loving souls across the country. Yet as I recently reread his speech this closing statement is not what most impacted me. His opening arguments in many ways seem much more timely. Addressing those of his day unwilling to take action or even make preparations, those who clung vainly to hope of reconciliation with England. He proposed that;

“…it is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren, (in mythology a siren is an evil mermaid) till she transforms us into beasts. Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty? Are we disposed to be of the number of those who, having eyes, see not, and having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation? For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst and to provide for it.
I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided; and that is the lamp of experience. I know of no way of judging of the future but by the past.”

Am I the only one to find that insightful? Don’t we all at some point “indulge in illusions of hope” or “shut our eyes against a painful truth”? I would like for a moment to use history to analyze the economic state of our nation & venture an opinion of the future.

A Fiat currency is any monetary system where the medium of exchange is not backed by something of intrinsic value. It can be gold, silver, diamonds or land, anything which cannot readily be reproduced or forged. Our Dollar, like most currencies around the world, is a Fiat currency. This style of monetary system has been tried repeatedly over many years, in all parts of the world, by all types of governments. The Chinese & Mongols tried as did, among others, the Romans and Germans. It has in every case failed miserably. Because there is no physical limit or check on how much can be printed, every nation inevitably deludes their economy with so much money that the currency looses its value. Trust in the currency is lost & the market crashes. This crash always results in a new currency & many times is accompanied by a new form of government. The question is are we, can we, as Americans be the exception to the rule?

I understand that up until about 4 months ago the average number of US Dollars in circulation was approximately 800 billion. Anyone know what it is today? When you add up the FORCED bank bailouts, the purchase of a controlling share of AIG, the economic stimulus packages and all the other hokey spending decisions, the number of available dollars is well over 2 trillion. In the last several weeks the amount of money in circulation has tripled. And they are talking about adding more.

There are soooo many problems with what is being done to our money and the way it is being done. But the one which will directly affect each of our lives in the not far distant future is inflation, HUGE, RAPID inflation. Look at it like this, the amount of products and services available for purchase has not changed. Yet the amount of dollars available to spend on those same products has tripled. Sooner or later someone will be able and willing to pay 3 times as much for the same item. Think about all of the products imported from Asia & elsewhere. Our money supply increases yet theirs remains constant. What does that do to our ability to purchase their products? In order to maintain a fair balance in trade they must of necessity increase prices. The price we pay for every item across the board will rise. Our cost of living will likely double or worse. We cannot now change it, the die has already been cast. Although currently low, due to supply & demand issues of both product & money, prices will rise drastically. Wages will not rise equally nor simultaneously. Real wages (wage adjusted for inflation) are among the lowest levels in more than 50 years. Inflation does not help the average Joe. Our standard of living, the way we live our lives is about to change.

These events were knowingly or otherwise set in motion nearly a hundred years ago when in December of 1913 the Federal Reserve act was passed. This act created a system of government accepted private banks known as the Federal Reserve System. It also transferred the power to coin money & regulate its supply to this same unaccountable private organization. A strict interpretation of the Constitution of the United States would consider this action Unconstitutional. President Woodrow Willson signed the Federal Reserve Act into law. He later lamented,

“I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country…. The growth of the nation … and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.”

I believe it to be imperative for us as responsible citizens to know & understand these things. We cannot effect positive change in the direction of our nation without knowledge. I echo the words of Patrick Henry, “For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst and to provide for it.”Be watchful, be aware & most of all be prepared.

In all of this there is a ray of hope. God is in control, our days will not be numbered less. He is watching over us & will protect us & see us through, come what may. Further there are prophecies which promise that this, the greatest of all nations, will not fall. It will be preserved, upheld and even rescued. As you prepare and make the necessary physical changes to ready yourself and your family for the pending crisis. Search your soul, identify what part you may be asked to play in the rescue of the Constitution & prepare for that as well.

For What it’s Worth


Monday, September 8, 2008

Rogue Agency Arrests Stay-at-home Mother of Eight.

About the Author

author photo

Rick Koerber is the founder of the Free Capitalist Project. He is an entrepreneur, talk radio host, and opinion leader active in his community and motivated to serve in the cause of liberty. Rick and his family live in Utah County, UT.

See All Posts by This Author

Rogue Agency Arrests Stay-at-Home Utah Mom

feature photo

Imagine you’re Annie Bradley, a married stay-at-home mother of eight. Two weeks before your 43rd birthday, its 9:00 pm and you’re sitting down with your husband and two house guests discussing a very difficult topic—the sale of your home. Uncharacteristically, your seventeen year-old daughter interrupts the discussion with a stunned look on her face, informing you that police and federal agents are surrounding your house. An armed Sheriff’s deputy has followed closely behind her and now stands before you asking, “Are you Anna L. Bradley?”

The scene in the Bradley’s neighborhood Tuesday was much like something you might expect to see on the big screen, or read about in one of those hard to believe mystery novels. But for Annie, her husband Randy and their eight children, it was a very real nightmare.

“I begged them not to take her,” explains her husband. He couldn’t understand why law enforcement was at his house in the middle of the night, demanding $10,000 cash for bail, or they were going to be taking his wife. At 9 o’ clock in the evening, when banks and businesses are closed, it’s close to impossible for an average family to come up with that kind of cash.

So, at approximately 9:41 pm, after local agents from the Utah County Sheriff’s office, accompanied by at least two federal agents, had surreptitiously surrounded the family’s home and afterwards made quite a scene for the neighborhood, law enforcement agents placed Annie Bradley under arrest, handcuffed her, and led her the long way across the front lawn, in front of inquiring neighbors, stunned house guests, her confused and bewildered husband, and perhaps most difficult, in front of her sobbing children.

When asked why they were doing this in the middle of the night, with so little opportunity for the Bradleys to even reach an attorney, one member of the Utah County Sheriff’s department replied, “Well, we don’t usually deal with nice folks like you.” Annie was booked into jail and held on $10,000 bail.

Annie Bradley's Arrest Photograph

Annie Bradley's Arrest Photograph

While the image of her arrest might seem dramatic, the facts surrounding her arrest are even more bizarre. Annie Bradley wasn’t arrested, as it turns out, because she’s suspected of committing some violent crime. The barrage of law enforcement officers didn’t surround her house to execute an arrest warrant because she’s suspected of some kind of drug involvement or some other dangerous crime. Annie Bradley was arrested because she and her husband have been caught up in a political battle related to the Utah Department of Commerce.

In February of this year that Utah Division of Securities Director Wayne Klein resigned under a cloud of suspicion for corruption and mismanagement. Randy and Annie Bradley were one of the cases originally overseen by Klein. Earlier this summer, on July 3rd, an independent audit of the Division was delivered to the State Legislature citing widespread abuses, mismanagement, miscarriages of justice and a government agency rife with internal conflict, lack of leadership and suffering serious internal divisions.

But what does this have to do with Annie Bradley?

Well, let’s start with the basics. A lifelong resident of Utah County, the last year and a half has been an exceptionally difficult time financially for Annie her family. In a situation becoming all too common in America today, with the mortgage market in shambles, and the credit industry in upheaval, Annie and her family are in the middle of an unplanned move. The guests in her home Tuesday night when she was arrested, were negotiating the purchase of several pieces of furniture to be sold along with their house.

The previous success of her husband’s small business Race Holdings, LLC—which had enabled the family to move from Springville just a year and a half ago into their dream home on the west side of Mapleton—has become a thing of the past. With no business income to speak of for most of the past year, the family has been living on food storage, modest financial reserves, and the hard work of the entire family to bring in whatever they can. Randy has recently taken a job working over six hours away from his family, in Montana.

The Bradleys however, are no strangers to hard work or sticking together. Generations of both sides of the family have made a living at hard work in Utah, with no troubles or run ins with the law and no questions about their integrity or reputation. What they are unable to comprehend however is in the midst of these difficult circumstances, why was Annie Bradley arrested, handcuffed and taken from her family in the middle of the night.

The Bradley Family

The entire Bradley Family

What would cause the Utah County Sheriff’s office, in conjunction with Federal Agents, to surround the family’s home as if they were conducting some kind of undercover sting operation? Why would law enforcement arrest a stay-at-home mother in the middle of the night when it’s almost impossible for the family or friends to reach an attorney or to get access to cash for bail?

The charges made against Mrs. Bradley, according to the affidavits and other documents provided by the Utah Division of Securities allege that Annie was involved in committing securities fraud against her neighbor. The Bradleys dispute the charges. Annie Bradley never worked for her husband’s business and was never an employee or manager of the company.

The neighbor, Mrs. Wendy Hendry, who owns and manages her own real estate related investment company loaned $30,000 to Race Holdings, LLC in June of 2007. The loan from Mrs. Hendry’s company to Mr. Bradley’s company, was a high interest loan charging 36% annual interest. According to banking records the entire loan plus interest and fees was repaid in full by Race Holdings in November of 2007. No subsequent business was transacted between the parties. Annie Bradley had nothing to do with it.

So what were the grounds upon which to make such a dramatic arrest of Mrs. Bradley? Apparently, Annie was arrested as part of a legal strategy related to another case being investigated by Securities Division Enforcement Director Michael Hines under the direction of his superior Ms. Francine Giani the Executive Director of the Utah Department of Commerce. Their plan was evidently to increase pressure on Annie’s husband, Annie’s friends and some of her husband’s former business associates related to another case.

Substantiating the chain of events is a reputable and prominent Utah County securities attorney who has represented clients and worked directly with the Utah Division of Securities for more than a decade. FCD has obtained multiple audio recordings substantiating the shocking reality behind Mrs. Bradley’s arrest, but has been asked not to reveal the identity of this attorney for fear of reprisal and other consequences from the Utah Government.

Apparently Mr. Hines believed that Randy would do “just about anything” to keep his wife out of jail. In the recordings obtained by FCD it is revealed that Mr. Hines’ intention was a strategic decision to implicate Mrs. Bradley regardless of her actual involvement in any suspected wrongdoing, in order to bring pressure on her husband to “turn State’s evidence.”

Hines reportedly explained,

We have to put maximum pressure on people…and if Mr. Bradley can’t provide me information that would help me then we are going to charge them both The information that would help is for Randy to say contrary to that whole affidavit basically, to say he received misrepresentations.

Annie and her Husband Randy Bradley

Annie and her Husband Randy Bradley

In the same conversation Annie and Randy were told that if Randy wasn’t able to provide the information he was looking for, Hines intended to follow through with his threat to put Annie in jail. At one point in the conversation Mr. Bradley can be heard asking,

“What if there isn’t any information… I would have to commit perjury to say that.”

The formal audit released to the public after several complaints about these kinds of abuses, explains that obtaining cooperation or even false confessions under the threat of jail time is a “Division Tactic” where investigators attempt “to coerce cooperation by intimidating and threatening that the person would be arrested.”

At one point in the recordings it is revealed that in an earlier conversation with Hines, prior to her company even being repaid, Mrs. Hendry was uncomfortable with Mr. Hines agenda, insisting;

“We don’t care about the money. Let’s just rip up the promissory note.”

Even though Annie was not involved, even though her neighbor apparently did not want to complain against the Bradleys, and even though Race Holdings, LLC did in fact repay the full amount of the loan in question as per the written agreement, Michael Hines had another objective and it required that the case proceed against Annie.

According to Hines, he could charge Annie with a crime based solely on one conversation she had with her neighbor in church one Sunday. Evidently, during a short stretch of time in mid-2007 when her husband’s business had fallen behind on monthly payments Mrs. Hendry approached Annie looking for re-assurance that the debt would be paid. In defense of her husband, Annie reportedly replied, “My husband is an honest man, and he will repay this debt no matter what.”

Annie Bradley, targed by Michael Hines

Annie Bradley, targeted by Michael Hines

That statement, innocently made by a spouse, in a Sunday church meeting, according to Hines, “constitutes an inappropriate statement or omission of material facts, and therefore constitutes fraud.”

The Bradleys are confused as to how Annie’s statement could be considered fraudulent, especially since her husband later did exactly as she had suggested, ensuring that his business repaid the very high interest loan, plus all interest and fees, as agreed. The Hendrys profited, according to FCD calculations, in excess of $10,000 in six months and received a full recovery of principal prior to the note’s maturity.

Answering the question of how such a situation could be construed as fraud, Utah Securities regulator A. Gary Bowen provided a rather lengthy but insightful explanation. He explains:

“People do not understand the nuance of securities regulation. Most attorneys do not…we can go after these people and we have been just overwhelmed by the filings, you get into my office I’ve got them practically stacked up to the ceiling and I’m not making this up and I’ve got them stacked all over the floor so we’re pursuing them…

“I’m going to recommend you look at section 61-1-1 which is entitled ‘Fraud Unlawful’ and you’re going to discover a definition of fraud that your average attorney is going to be totally clueless about…the nuance that the average attorney doesn’t get, whose competent in real estate, competent in corporate or business law, competent in contract law, is the mere omission of a material fact… do you know what the implication of fraud is, criminal prosecution, time in jail!”

Mr. Bowen who according to his own representations has been charged with advising Utah citizens and business owners about how to avoid breaking the law for more than ten years, later admits that its impossible to pin down what might be construed as “fraud” if the government wants to press charges. He continues,

“If you look at our definitions section, I’ve been working for this for years and read it a number of times but it really sunk into me here this summer when I was reading it and talking to someone like you, you go in and read the definition actually under 61-1-13 of fraud, and its one of those things that you say, well, what does that mean? The answer is, I don’t know.”

With a definition like this, its no wonder that Utah has become known by some as the “fraud capitols” of the West. Mr. Bowen’s advise boils down to a simple axiom. If the government thinks it is fraud, its fraud.

Even experienced attorneys, according to Mr. Bowen, can’t understand what the enlightened public servants in the Department of Commerce might allege. Or, in short, all Utahan’s should be very careful when discussing their spouse’s integrity in church on Sunday.

As 2008 rolled around, the Bradleys lived with the daily uncertainty and fear of being charged with fraud as a result of Mr. Hines strategy. It didn’t seem to matter that both parties agreed the loan had been satisfied and that Annie Bradley had nothing to do with it, other than being married to the business owner.

At one point Randy reveals that the stress became unbearable.

“I came close to considering saying whatever Mr. Hines wanted me to say if it meant it would keep my wife out of jail. I decided against it, but I couldn’t trust Hines anyway if he was willing to build another case based upon a lie.”

Resign. Former Director Wayne Klein

Resigned. Former Director Wayne Klein

But this past February things started to look brighter from the Bradley’s perspective, when Utah Securities Director Wayne Klein was forced to resign because of scrutiny being placed on the Securities Division for its alleged abuses. The Bradleys along with many small business owners in Utah hoped a new Director would be more just in his oversight of the Division and more effective at reigning in employees like Hines.

Lying, by “any person” during a proceeding under Sate Securities Laws is a 3rd degree felony. While Randy decided against going along with the enticements of Hines, Audit Manager Tim Osterstock’s performance audit of the Division clearly documents that the Division had been engaging in deceptive practices, evidently believing that government employees are exempt from the requirements of the law.

“The division has, at times, violated the terms of its settlement agreements. In one case, the division agreed to not publicize the action or commence further administrative actions and then violated both terms of the agreement. The person accused told us he felt compelled to plead guilty to a lesser criminal charge rather than place his business in jeopardy defending a greater charge. The division agreed to not seek additional charges but nevertheless pursued an administrative action. The respondent then signed the settlement agreement after the division agreed to not publicize it. However, the day the settlement was signed, the division publicized the information on its web page and also published the information in its newsletter the following month.”

The audit also revealed that the Division made false allegations against innocent businessmen as part of its coercive tactics, obtained false confessions and false settlements by threatening citizens with arrest and jail time, and that the State of Utah had been violating its own legal settlements with impunity while Department employees escaped criminal investigation for such activity that clearly violates State law.

With this information now public, the Bradleys anxiously waited for the government to take action to reform the Department. They also continued to correspond regularly through their attorney with the Division of Securities and specifically with Securities Division attorney Scott Davis who works for the Utah Attorney General’s office.

Mr. Davis corresponded multiple times with the Bradleys about resolving the civil concerns raised by the Division, but never informed the Bradleys that they were in eminent danger of being arrested or criminally charged. Things seemed to be looking better for the Bradleys, and they were hopeful they could soon put this troubling ordeal behind them.

Then, out of the blue, new rumors began circulating of the Bradley’s pending arrest. The rumors came from the most unusual of places. For some unexplainable reason in early August of this year, Mr. Hines called Ron Hendry and explained that the Bradleys were being charged criminally and would soon be arrested.

“I didn’t know what to make of it,” said Randy about the phone call from Hines to Hendry. Mr. Hendry subsequently began sharing the information with other Bradley neighbors including their religious leaders.

Although the Hendry’s had profited handsomely from their transaction with Race Holdings, Mr. Hines, in very questionable legal territory, evidently had some reason for giving them a “heads up.” As it turns out, Hines had told the Hendreys that they were witnesses, as victims, in the now criminal case against both Randy and Annie.

Hines, according to Ron Hendry, had been in contact with them seven our eight times throughout the months of June and July. During this same time, the Bradleys unsuspectingly continued to hope things were getting closer to being resolved.

When Randy received a surprise phone call from his local Bishop asking about his pending arrest, he wasn’t sure if Ron Hendry was just spreading gossip, or if the strange collaboration between he and Hines were actually fact. So, through their attorney the Bradleys went straight to the government. They contacted Scott Davis of the Utah Attorney General’s office. Randy explains,

“I thought we were working things out. Through our attorney we were in regular communication with the State. They are the ones who postponed our last meeting. Through our attorney we contacted the Attorney General’s office and Scott Davis, the man we were told was the attorney for the Division and he acted surprised and claimed he knew nothing about any criminal charges. He acted completely embarrassed and didn’t seem to know what Michael Hines was up to.”

Huntsman Appointee, Exec. Director of the Utah Department of Commerce, Francine Giani

Huntsman Appointee, Executive Director of the Utah Department of Commerce, Francine Giani

Seeking to defend herself and her Department, once the audit was released, Francine Giani publicly insisted that her Department had taken all necessary corrective action. However, one of the major indictments in the audit was that Giani’s staff was repeatedly in violation of Utah State law related to how the State’s lawyers from the Attorney General’s office were being ignored as the Division pursued its own agenda. The audit reads in part,

“[S]taff from the AG’s office are assigned to represent the division. Securities law states “The attorney general shall advise and represent the division and its staff in all matters, administrative or judicial, requiring legal counsel or services in the exercise or defense of the division’s power or the performance of its duties” (Utah Code 61-1-21.5). There have been conflicts with both how the former director utilized the attorneys representing the division and the level of authority the attorneys should have in defining division activities. In some cases, it appears the former director assumed the role of the attorney.”

Despite the Attorney General’s office claiming that they knew nothing about criminal charges or arrest warrants, to the shock of Annie, Randy, and their attorney, such warrants were indeed issued. Randy was arrested on August 29, 2007.

After Randy’s arrest he worried that his wife would be next. Through their Attorney, the Bradleys made an agreement with prosecutors that with Randy voluntarily returning from his job in Montana, surrendering to the Utah County Sheriff’s office, and providing the required $10,000 bail, the warrant for Annie’s arrest would be withdrawn. A few short days later however, local and federal agents were surrounding the Bradley’s home and in almost no time, Annie was in jail.

“I told them that we had already taken care of things,” says Randy.

“I begged them not to take her. I explained that the prosecutor had agreed to release the warrant for Annie’s arreset since I cooperated and posted $10,000 bail. The Deputy told me that he believed me, but since I had nothing to prove it, there was nothing he could do. I wasn’t angry at the Sheriff’s office, they were professional and doing what they were supposed to do. But, who is going to stop Michael Hines from ruining people’s lives while he does whatever he wants? That is what makes me so angry. He doesn’t care about my wife, my kids, or our family.”

Annie and Her Two Daughters

Annie and Her Two Daughters

So, how and why was Annie arrested so dramatically this past Tuesday night, even after the prosecutors had agreed to release the warent for her arrest? Why didn’t the government follow the usual procedure when dealing with reputable citizens, not charged with violent crime, having no past criminal history, and just deliver a “Summons to Appear?” Evidently, that wouldn’t work for Mr. Hines strategy.

Annie Bradley was arrested because Randy and Annie had the courage to resist Mr. Hines for almost a year. That, evidently, is just not acceptable to the State of Utah, Department of Commerce.

It’s not just the Bradleys who have had to make this tough choice. The pattern of unjust enforcement by the Division of Securities is revealed unmistakingly in the formal audit results, but Ms. Giani and her boss Utah Governor Jon Huntsman Jr., have neglected to address the gravity of the situation. Certainly, Ms. Giani and the new Securities Director Keith Woodwell have failed to reign in Hines and others engaged in the abusive practices.

The actual truth related to Annie Bradley’s arrest might have never come to light except that a number of individuals, attorneys, businessmen and even Department of Commerce employees have grown weary of this unchecked abuse and have begun using audio recording’s to try and help document this behavior.

The recordings obtained by FCD are a collection from multiple sources, and cover a multitude of cases. These recordings, and hopefully others yet to be provided to FCD by interested citizens, are beginning to serve as a powerful tool to provide critical insight and political leverage to address this rogue government agency reeling from criticisms, rife with internal conflict and desperate to cover-up its own current and past misdeeds.

Nevertheless, some bureaucrats can’t seem to understand how persecuting small businessmen in Utah (and their wives) is the same as persecuting normal families. Some government officials can’t seem to understand how unjust it is to have a government agency justify their supposed administration of justice with lies, cover-ups, excessive force, coercion and deceit.

Annie Bradley’s arrest is one more revelation in a series of events alerting Utahan’s to the very real consequences of a corrupt government agency, the conduct of malicious bureaucrats and an incompetent government appointee—Francine Giani—who seems more worried about the appearance of “protecting investors” than she is about following Utah’s laws and protecting all Utah citizen’s civil rights.

The Bradleys have now had to come up with $20,000 cash bail so that they could continue remain free to take care of their family while continuing their fight against a corrupt government investigation. This amount pales in comparison to the mounting legal costs they’re incurring in a legal circus that could last many more months if not years.

But, instead of heaping added difficulty on their heads, the State of Utah should be issuing the Bradleys a sincere apology as part of its first step to clean up the seriously damaged reputation of the Utah Government. We should all be grateful for families like the Bradley’s that stand up to corruption, that work constantly to provide a good life for their children, that conduct an honest business, and do all they can–even if they’re late on payments—to always pay their personal and business debts as agreed.

“This has probably been the most difficult emotional thing that has ever happened in our lives, but we’re going make it through,” says Randy, soberly. “Annie has said that if this is what it takes so that someone will finally put a stop to people like Michael Hines, its okay, I’m okay with it.”

In the face of America’s current economic difficulties it seems like the Executive Branch of Utah’s government has somehow forgotten the virtue of families like the Bradleys and the responsibility to protect all Utah citizens equally. It is, after all, small businessmen and women, along with their families, who regularly take risks and assume responsibilities that creates more jobs, deliver more services, and add more value to our community than any government appointee and her bureaucrats.

Despite Mrs. Giani’s public assurances, there is an obvious problem in the Utah Department of Commerce. Evidently this problem extends all the way to the head of the Executive Branch into the office of Governor Jon Huntsman.

Despite calls by numerous state legislators for the removal of Ms. Giani and several of her remaining staff; and despite the multitude of problems revealed in the recent performance audit of her Department; and finally despite even the personal appeals made directly to him from Utah’s own Attorney General for her firing, Governor Jon Huntsman (who is the only elective oversight provided by State law over Francine Giani) seems to share the philosophy of Giani and Hines, namely, that innocent people being wrongly accused is simply a price Utahans should get used to paying if they expect the government to do its job.

That’s an interesting theory of government. No matter how nice, pleasant or polite Governor Jon Huntsman, Jr. comes across — there is no mistaking that he was not elected to simply look good in office. Hard decisions sometimes have to be made, and in this case, when dealing with the Department of Commerce, the direct action that needs to be taken just isn’t that hard to discern.

Tyranny, at any level, only works for so long. What is happening in the Utah Department of Commerce is wickedness; there is no way to skirt around the issue. A full audit of all divisions within her stewardship will reveal even more succinctly that it is time for leadership in the Governor’s office, in the legislature, and in the judiciary in dealing with abuses like the Giani’s absurd, forceful, and dramatic arrest of Annie Bradley.

This problem will come to a head and the unjust, and in some cases criminal, activity of government bureaucrats along with the startling incompetence of executive management in the Department of Commerce will ultimately cost some politicians and employees their jobs. Someone with courage will ultimately step forward to address and correct the very serious problems.

In the mean time however, the dirty politics and renegade operations of the Utah Department of Commerce will ensure that more Utah families like the Bradleys will be trying to explain to their small children why mommy or daddy was dragged away in handcuffs, in the middle of the night.

It just doesn’t seem like America.

The Bradley's

The Bradleys

Popularity: 100% [?]

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Utah State Republican Convention 2008

The Utah State Republican Convention was an interesting experience to add to my experiences in the political arena. A couple of months ago I ran and was elected as the Chairman of the LE18 precinct. With this position, I became a state and county delegate. This is the first time I've been involved in this level of government.

Before all the organized fun began, I was asked to help hand out FreeCapitalist Primers. This is a book that was compiled by C. Rick Koerber and has been one of the most influential works in my life. As I began handing these books out freely to people entering the premises, I began to realize that without an explanation of it's value it was usually taken as just another free handout worth only it's cost. I even saw a few of these books in the garbage with the hundreds of fliers also handed out freely.

The convention started out as an average organized meeting. Pledge, National Anthem, Report and adoption of rules, then with very little excitement we were dismissed to break into our separate districts. I'm in district two. The candidates that had limited recognition and obviously serious campaigns were Merrill Cook and Bill Dew. Based on name recognition and it's related possible benefit to beat Jim Matheson, I was planning on voting for Cook. After talking with his family at his booth and tearing apart his address to us before voting, I decided to put all I had behind Bill Dew. It also helped that one of his volunteers bought me a Mt. Dew when I told him to "Do the Dew" (that's a joke - that that had any deciding influence, but he did buy me a dew).

After casting my vote for this first round, we headed over to Congressman Cannon's booth where Parents for Choice in Education had announced a pizza party for the FreeCapitalists for our support for them on the voucher issue and Referendum 1 recently.

We then resumed with speeches by the State candidates. The new candidate running for governor had an impressive stance on the proper role of government. I logged into my email and read his communications to all the delegates. What a stance! Then one of my associates alerted me to an email he sent out presenting his plan to build an army of robots to build us (members of his club) everything we're dreaming of... What the heck is up with that? I voted for him and was pleasantly surprised to find that he got around 30% of the vote. Imaging if a candidate that really wanted to run would understand and campaign on those principles... I was impressed with Mark Walker's campaign primarily because of the endorsements he had consisting of people I respect and with whom I share common standards.

The results came back about the congressional vote. Both Districts 2 and 3 would have to vote again. In District 2, the candidates were Cook, Dew, and Jenkins. In 3 it was Cannon, Leavitt and Chaffetz. So we prepared to vote again. It took like 30 minutes to get the freaking poll people to look into the poll boxes to ensure it was a fair vote. What took them all so long??? Slackers...

Then our current senators spoke, first Bennett (because of a plane scheduling) and then Hatch. Bennett was more of a cheerleader for McCain than anything. No substance to his remarks. Hatch got lots of cheers because he actually said something worthwhile in his address. They then showed a Mark Shurtleff video. I like Mark, but can not understand why someone not being contested for his position gets 20 minutes to show a video and address the delegates. I believe that it was just to pass the time for the votes to be counted. They also showed a McCain video which prompted a plethora of calls for a Ron Paul video to be shown. Of course, no such video was displayed, only serious candidates get time... ;) -just a joke Brandon...

Before the second vote came back, I heard the announcement that Leavitt was backing Cannon. The results came back that Leavitt got like 15%, Cannon got like 35% and Chaffetz got like 50%. Leavitt tried to throw his votes behind Cannon in a last-ditch effort to keep Chaffetz from getting the 60% he needed to avoid a primary election. I'm not sure the reasoning, but as a Cannon supporter, I was pleased with that decision.

Next thing I knew weird stuff started happening. Volunteers in Leavitt shirts started parading down the aisles holding Congressman Cannon signs. Many of the audience started applauding and many others were booing and heckling these volunteers. Howard Stephenson started shouting complaints against these demonstrations. The speaker immediately commanded that these individuals leave the floor, that they were out of order. It took some time for that to sink into the movement, but they did. As they were wrapping up regular business before doing the third vote, Leavitt volunteers wrote "Leavitt supports Chris Cannon for Congress" on a sign and displayed it above and left of the stage. As this got attention of the delegates, the speaker again instructed these people to cease this action and called for security to enforce it. This happened. Soon thereafter, Congressman Cannon took a leisurely stroll down the right aisle of the convention floor. This brought loads of applause, booing, and heckling. It was obvious that this was a very tense moment of the day. He was ordered to leave the floor also. Who the heck is this speaker that thinks he has authority to bully these legitimate actions.

We then voted for the third round and were shortly after, dismissed. I went directly to the stage and inquired of the speaker about the rule that granted him authority to simply dismiss these demonstrations as "out of order". He displayed for me the convention rules specifically section 3:d under signage which reads:
d) No signs may be placed in or around the staging area of the arena or in the convention hall between bleachers in the main Assembly Hall, expect as approved by the State Party.

You decide for yourself if this disallows people to parade in the aisles with signs and/or hang a banner over the side of the upper level, and/or have a candidate stroll down the side of the auditorium. I'm definitely not convinced. Many upset Chaffetz and Leavitt supporters afterward were calling these moves "dirty politics". That they were intentionally breaking the rules because they knew they'd get away with it. I disagree. The rules had nothing to do whatsoever against these actions. If someone is convinced otherwise, please demonstrate for me what rule would disallow these things.

End of the day, Cannon will be up against Chaffetz in the Primary in June because of the third vote's results of 59%vs41%. Bill Dew won 69%. Those were the more hotly contested contests. For me, this was an incredible learning experience and one I'll be able to prepare better for in the future and help prepare others as well.

Call to action:
If you're in District 3, get out and vote in the June primaries.
For everyone, do your research and go prepared to the polls in November.

Delegates, good work today! Thanks for your willingness to sacrifice your Saturday to do your part to help protect our freedoms, liberty and justice for all.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Check this out!

Check out my new web site allowing you to get involved with me in a business project designed to work for anyone in the current market conditions. Look into it today!

Monday, April 28, 2008

When the going gets tough... Create more value!

I'm not sure if you all are watching the current market conditions as closely as I am, but I recommend doing the research to figure out what's driving these unusual conditions.

The mortgage market is in the toilet, the stock market seems to only move when the fed raises or lowers the rate (lately it's only lowering - expect that again this time). Precious commodities you'd think would be on the constant rise as they have been up until about a month ago, but everyone's expecting the fed to lower the rate one more time and then sit and watch it. The whole world, it seems, is waiting to see if they can survive based upon the decisions of a few old men. The fed, although not a federal agency per se has God-like control on the money supply of this country and through this, the world.

What is everyone doing? Waiting.

For what, you may ask? More predictable conditions, market problems to "work themselves out".

Will they? Some say that the presidential election in November will determine the future actions this country will take to an economic recovery. McCain will play the republican role of stimulating trickle-down-economics by giving the rich tax cuts to rebuild, Hillary will force everyone to have medical insurance, no matter the cost and will make it harder for banks to relieve the burden of borrowers not paying their mortgages, Obama and Clinton will take from the rich and give to the poor increasing our incentive to look poor on paper.

Are any of these solutions the answer? I decree, NO!

As indicated by Ronald Reagan in his inaugural address, " this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem."

If we are to overcome this seemingly inescapable financial crisis, we must act to use government as intended by the founders: to protect our RIGHTS. Nothing more.

Government has taken the role of protector, adviser and for too many the provider. I'm not only talking about those getting money from entitlement programs such as Social Security, Disability, Medicare, Medicade, Percription Drugs for the elderly, VA, FHA, CHIP, and so forth, I also mean those employed by the government in positions not critical to protecting our BASIC, God-given rights of LIFE, LIBERTY, and PROPERTY. The government is not to ensure we stay alive, they are to punish those who take other's lives. The liberty they are supposed to be protecting, they are now doing more to inprison us with shackles of regulation.

If we are to again be the most prosperous nation in this world, we must DRAMATICALLY reduce the size and scope of our government. We must use laws to limit the government not the governed.

Where do you start? Get your affairs in order. CREATE VALUE like there IS a tomorrow. Get yourself off the dole; then get involved in helping others free themselves of this system so that we can gradually phase it out and get back to the necessities of government.

Are times tough for you right now? You're not the only one. Don't allow yourself to sit idle whining about the economy. Recognize the situation and work to improve it. No matter how bad things are for you, life doesn't care. Life will happen to you whether you want it to or not. There's no escaping it. I know what you're thinking, there is a way out of life. Don't forget, that is just a part of life, not an escape hatch; you'll get out of more than you want by taking it. YOU CAN LIVE A LIFE YOU LOVE. Focus on the success you will have in the future and get through the failure you may be suffering right now. You can do it. If you believe that, you will do it.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Political Power

A new revolution awaits us. We do not have much time to act until this battle will not be able to be won without bloodshed. We may already be too late; I do not believe so. But we must act now. All of us individually, but as a team; a collective force of self-interested beings; in the fight for our lives and those of our posterity.

Yesterday I read an article by Rick Koerber, The FreeCapitalist. In this article, Rick outlined, among other things, where political figures get their power and what they have the ability to use it on. He then issued a call to action to interested parties to get involved with the progress of liberating Americans from the political bands that bind us. I recommend you read his article at the following address:

On July 4, 1776, fifty-six men pledged their lives, reputations, and fortunes to start a movement to liberate a people from the political tyrants of their day. This revolution for freedom has led to the most free, most prosperous, and most productive people in the history of mankind. It all started with the following [extremely compound] sentence:
"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."-Declaration of Independence, 4 July 1776 (italics and bold added)

Due to the tyrannical reign of the British political figures of the day (primarily King George the 3rd), the colonists of the North American continent were furious about the political bands that bound them to Britain. The Declaration of Independence was a publicly announced list of grievances justifying the colonists' reason for forcefully resisting the authority of the British Empire.

Every human being is endowed by God with certain unalienable rights. Government does not give man these rights or grant him authority to exercise such rights. They are private property owned by every individual. As the British governmental forces continued to destroy the colonists' rights, there came a time where those with courage and understanding of the ancient principles of prosperity took up arms to defend their right to life, liberty and "the pursuit of happiness"; a phrase that included their desire to own private property and maintain a freedom of conscience, among other things.

Today the situation is quickly approaching the same type of overwhelming tyranny against personal rights, endowed by God. Here's some grievances that could be on our list: Americans are mandated to have specific equipment on their cars, our right to raise our children as we best judge has been infringed so tightly that anyone can have their children taken from them without any substantial reason other than a vague laws. Government officials detain us constantly for a myriad of automobile related "regulation". Giving them almost carte-blanc authority to harass anyone at almost any time. And now we see bureaucrats having been given authority to create administrative laws that can lead to criminal charges based upon their unquestionable "authority" without any accountability to "the people". And now a banking system that has been given control of the entire economy is trying to stop the inevitable"recession" by inflating our money away. This ALWAYS leads to a complete devaluation of the currency. If they follow the slippery path they are on this will have dire consequences.

A new revolution awaits us. We do not have much time to act until this battle will not be able to be won without bloodshed. We may already be too late; I do not believe so. But we must act now. All of us individually, but as a team; a collective force of self-interested beings; in the fight for our lives and those of our posterity.

Do you know what to do? Do you want to learn how? Do you know who's raising the standard of liberty? Find out now by visiting the following blog:

Friday, February 29, 2008

Golden Touch

This has been an amazing week! It seems that everything I touched this week turned to gold!

Last weekend I spent Friday and Saturday in a Zrii training event. Bill Farley was present all day Friday and the content was incredible. I learned more than I imagined I could and due to the incredible energy present and the number of my own people that came, I got fired up!

Monday morning, I hit the world with new zeal! I wasn't afraid of anything or anyone. I called people I hadn't dared talk to previously and persuaded them to schedule appointments with me to talk about the Zrii business opportunity.

Due to the excitement my new Zeal has added to what was already going on in my group the new fervor of my efforts created a domino-effect of excitement. As of tonight, we have nearly ten new IE's that want to become part of our team shortly and five that were part of our team that have stepped up and publicly declared their intent to reach very large, specific goals.

I realized today, however, what a long way I still have to go to be the person I want to be. Even with all the incredible excitement that has been hurled at me this week; one short, abraisive sentence from a close friend brought me to tears. It temporarily set me into the depths of depression. I was able to quickly pull out of it thanks to Jory Jelte calling "out of the blue" to invite me to all-you-can-eat sushi. Robert Kiyosaki teaches that the difference between someone who can be successful in the B and I quadrants from those in the E and S quadrants is their emotional control.

Being a successful businessman is an emotional roller coaster. One has to be able to stay grounded during the times of emotional highs and be able to keep positive when everything seems to be going wrong.

Saturday, February 23, 2008


It's important that I point out something in this blog. I'm very passionate about a handful of people, businesses and causes. Due to this passion, I mention them regularly on this blog. Any opinions I post on this blog are mine. These opinions may not be the same opinion of the people or organizations I'm discussing. If you have any questions about something discussed here or corrections to any information I've posted, please contact me immediately and help me out.


Brad "Ellis Wyatt" Green

Money Strategy for a Bear Market

This weekend I spent considerable time with some incredibly wealthy and influential individuals. One of these individuals is William Farley. In case you don't know who that is, William Farley owns Farley Industries which at one time employed over 65,000 employees and was a substantial owner of some small companies like BVD, Christian Dior, Jordach, Fruit of the Loom, and a minority share of the Chicago White Socks. Bill Farley was, for a period, the President/CEO of Fruit of the Loom. This man builds billion dollar brands.

I spent the weekend with him and a team he has put together to launch what he expects to become the largest network marketing company ever in May. Due to my connections and the human life value I have with my circle of influence (as all of us have such a circle), I was invited to look at this company before it's future launch. What a rush! The people in the room this weekend were the who's who of network marketing over the last decade! Bill Herriford, Jason Domingo, Tyler Daniels, Marcell Niederhouser, Kirby Zanger, and dozens of others who have made millions in other MLM opportunities. They've all quit those businesses and joined a new company being called Zrii.

Folks, if you have done any research into network marketing's history, you know that of the 20,000+ companies that have been started as MLMs, only 9 have made it to the billion dollar a year status. Bill Farley has decades of public experience branding companies to do just this. It's a proven fact that those who get involved early into a company that becomes a giant make millions easier than in almost any other legal way.

The challenge becomes: how do you know if a brand new company will become a giant? If you can get in early, build momentum, and the company goes big, you'll profit like crazy. But knowing which company will become big is tough work; until now. With Bill Farley at the helm, the experience of countless top distributors, an experienced management team, and the product (a liquid nutritional) being endorsed by the Chopra Center for Wellness, Zrii is almost sure to become exactly what Bill envisions: the biggest MLM ever.

I'm excited to be here so early. Check it out! I set up an info page at

Friday, February 22, 2008

The FreeCapitalist Project Back Underway!


I have great news! According to a call I was invited to join recently, there's a plan being put into action immediately!

Here's what your first steps are, according to this call:
1. Visit
2. Sign-up as a member on this site and build your profile
3. Get information about the many upcoming FreeCapitalist events
4. As the membership grows, forums will be created in high-membership areas
5. Forums will help us learn more to be able to apply principles to create prosperity
6. Get to work creating a better future for you and those you care about.

If you want some great steps about how to get started immediately, I think these steps are valuable:
a. "befriend me on the FreeCapitalist site"
b. contact me through the site
c. share this blog with everyone you know
d. help those you know become active in the pursuit of their goals and dreams

If you're looking for strategies to implement right now, please contact me ASAP. I'm working with a part owner of the Chicago White Socks baseball team to build a new business. I can use your help! For more information about this opportunity I'd love to talk to you personally. I have a web site, but the information and excitement about what we have is much better relayed in person. For information on the web, visit the following page:

See you around!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Rick Koerber Gets Radio Show Changes


For those of you in Northern Utah used to listening to Rick Koerber and me on FreeCapitalist Radio via KTKK Radio on AM630, you may have been surprised to find that FreeCapitalist Radio is no longer there! I was as surprised as you were.

Don't worry though, you can still tune in and listen to The FreeCapitalist online live at or download the podcast and listen to it whenever you please.

This week has had live shows every day with pretty amazing guests continually! You may want to download the shows you've missed on the podcasts and don't dare miss out on any more. Tune in live from 9-11 weekdays at

Also, for those interested in finding out more about The FreeCapitalist Project, please contact me and I'll help you buy a FreeCapitalist Primer, the book that lays the groundwork for this incredible grassroots organization.

Until soon!


Getting Started

Hello all!

This is my first ever blog! Those that know me personally know that I think I'm a huge computer geek, but believe it or not, I'm out of the loop these days.

For those who don't know me, I'm Brad "Ellis Wyatt" Green from the FreeCapitalist Radio Show. Check out the FreeCapitalist Project at! You can sign up as a member of the Project for FREE on this site and can get updates that will inform you about events and other things that you can use to become a true capitalist and free yourself financially and all the other ways that matter.

I hope to see you around!


P.S. If you're looking for my latest money-making strategy, join my team! Check out what we're doing at:!

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