Friday, February 22, 2008

The FreeCapitalist Project Back Underway!


I have great news! According to a call I was invited to join recently, there's a plan being put into action immediately!

Here's what your first steps are, according to this call:
1. Visit
2. Sign-up as a member on this site and build your profile
3. Get information about the many upcoming FreeCapitalist events
4. As the membership grows, forums will be created in high-membership areas
5. Forums will help us learn more to be able to apply principles to create prosperity
6. Get to work creating a better future for you and those you care about.

If you want some great steps about how to get started immediately, I think these steps are valuable:
a. "befriend me on the FreeCapitalist site"
b. contact me through the site
c. share this blog with everyone you know
d. help those you know become active in the pursuit of their goals and dreams

If you're looking for strategies to implement right now, please contact me ASAP. I'm working with a part owner of the Chicago White Socks baseball team to build a new business. I can use your help! For more information about this opportunity I'd love to talk to you personally. I have a web site, but the information and excitement about what we have is much better relayed in person. For information on the web, visit the following page:

See you around!

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