Friday, February 29, 2008

Golden Touch

This has been an amazing week! It seems that everything I touched this week turned to gold!

Last weekend I spent Friday and Saturday in a Zrii training event. Bill Farley was present all day Friday and the content was incredible. I learned more than I imagined I could and due to the incredible energy present and the number of my own people that came, I got fired up!

Monday morning, I hit the world with new zeal! I wasn't afraid of anything or anyone. I called people I hadn't dared talk to previously and persuaded them to schedule appointments with me to talk about the Zrii business opportunity.

Due to the excitement my new Zeal has added to what was already going on in my group the new fervor of my efforts created a domino-effect of excitement. As of tonight, we have nearly ten new IE's that want to become part of our team shortly and five that were part of our team that have stepped up and publicly declared their intent to reach very large, specific goals.

I realized today, however, what a long way I still have to go to be the person I want to be. Even with all the incredible excitement that has been hurled at me this week; one short, abraisive sentence from a close friend brought me to tears. It temporarily set me into the depths of depression. I was able to quickly pull out of it thanks to Jory Jelte calling "out of the blue" to invite me to all-you-can-eat sushi. Robert Kiyosaki teaches that the difference between someone who can be successful in the B and I quadrants from those in the E and S quadrants is their emotional control.

Being a successful businessman is an emotional roller coaster. One has to be able to stay grounded during the times of emotional highs and be able to keep positive when everything seems to be going wrong.

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