Friday, February 29, 2008

Golden Touch

This has been an amazing week! It seems that everything I touched this week turned to gold!

Last weekend I spent Friday and Saturday in a Zrii training event. Bill Farley was present all day Friday and the content was incredible. I learned more than I imagined I could and due to the incredible energy present and the number of my own people that came, I got fired up!

Monday morning, I hit the world with new zeal! I wasn't afraid of anything or anyone. I called people I hadn't dared talk to previously and persuaded them to schedule appointments with me to talk about the Zrii business opportunity.

Due to the excitement my new Zeal has added to what was already going on in my group the new fervor of my efforts created a domino-effect of excitement. As of tonight, we have nearly ten new IE's that want to become part of our team shortly and five that were part of our team that have stepped up and publicly declared their intent to reach very large, specific goals.

I realized today, however, what a long way I still have to go to be the person I want to be. Even with all the incredible excitement that has been hurled at me this week; one short, abraisive sentence from a close friend brought me to tears. It temporarily set me into the depths of depression. I was able to quickly pull out of it thanks to Jory Jelte calling "out of the blue" to invite me to all-you-can-eat sushi. Robert Kiyosaki teaches that the difference between someone who can be successful in the B and I quadrants from those in the E and S quadrants is their emotional control.

Being a successful businessman is an emotional roller coaster. One has to be able to stay grounded during the times of emotional highs and be able to keep positive when everything seems to be going wrong.

Saturday, February 23, 2008


It's important that I point out something in this blog. I'm very passionate about a handful of people, businesses and causes. Due to this passion, I mention them regularly on this blog. Any opinions I post on this blog are mine. These opinions may not be the same opinion of the people or organizations I'm discussing. If you have any questions about something discussed here or corrections to any information I've posted, please contact me immediately and help me out.


Brad "Ellis Wyatt" Green

Money Strategy for a Bear Market

This weekend I spent considerable time with some incredibly wealthy and influential individuals. One of these individuals is William Farley. In case you don't know who that is, William Farley owns Farley Industries which at one time employed over 65,000 employees and was a substantial owner of some small companies like BVD, Christian Dior, Jordach, Fruit of the Loom, and a minority share of the Chicago White Socks. Bill Farley was, for a period, the President/CEO of Fruit of the Loom. This man builds billion dollar brands.

I spent the weekend with him and a team he has put together to launch what he expects to become the largest network marketing company ever in May. Due to my connections and the human life value I have with my circle of influence (as all of us have such a circle), I was invited to look at this company before it's future launch. What a rush! The people in the room this weekend were the who's who of network marketing over the last decade! Bill Herriford, Jason Domingo, Tyler Daniels, Marcell Niederhouser, Kirby Zanger, and dozens of others who have made millions in other MLM opportunities. They've all quit those businesses and joined a new company being called Zrii.

Folks, if you have done any research into network marketing's history, you know that of the 20,000+ companies that have been started as MLMs, only 9 have made it to the billion dollar a year status. Bill Farley has decades of public experience branding companies to do just this. It's a proven fact that those who get involved early into a company that becomes a giant make millions easier than in almost any other legal way.

The challenge becomes: how do you know if a brand new company will become a giant? If you can get in early, build momentum, and the company goes big, you'll profit like crazy. But knowing which company will become big is tough work; until now. With Bill Farley at the helm, the experience of countless top distributors, an experienced management team, and the product (a liquid nutritional) being endorsed by the Chopra Center for Wellness, Zrii is almost sure to become exactly what Bill envisions: the biggest MLM ever.

I'm excited to be here so early. Check it out! I set up an info page at

Friday, February 22, 2008

The FreeCapitalist Project Back Underway!


I have great news! According to a call I was invited to join recently, there's a plan being put into action immediately!

Here's what your first steps are, according to this call:
1. Visit
2. Sign-up as a member on this site and build your profile
3. Get information about the many upcoming FreeCapitalist events
4. As the membership grows, forums will be created in high-membership areas
5. Forums will help us learn more to be able to apply principles to create prosperity
6. Get to work creating a better future for you and those you care about.

If you want some great steps about how to get started immediately, I think these steps are valuable:
a. "befriend me on the FreeCapitalist site"
b. contact me through the site
c. share this blog with everyone you know
d. help those you know become active in the pursuit of their goals and dreams

If you're looking for strategies to implement right now, please contact me ASAP. I'm working with a part owner of the Chicago White Socks baseball team to build a new business. I can use your help! For more information about this opportunity I'd love to talk to you personally. I have a web site, but the information and excitement about what we have is much better relayed in person. For information on the web, visit the following page:

See you around!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Rick Koerber Gets Radio Show Changes


For those of you in Northern Utah used to listening to Rick Koerber and me on FreeCapitalist Radio via KTKK Radio on AM630, you may have been surprised to find that FreeCapitalist Radio is no longer there! I was as surprised as you were.

Don't worry though, you can still tune in and listen to The FreeCapitalist online live at or download the podcast and listen to it whenever you please.

This week has had live shows every day with pretty amazing guests continually! You may want to download the shows you've missed on the podcasts and don't dare miss out on any more. Tune in live from 9-11 weekdays at

Also, for those interested in finding out more about The FreeCapitalist Project, please contact me and I'll help you buy a FreeCapitalist Primer, the book that lays the groundwork for this incredible grassroots organization.

Until soon!


Getting Started

Hello all!

This is my first ever blog! Those that know me personally know that I think I'm a huge computer geek, but believe it or not, I'm out of the loop these days.

For those who don't know me, I'm Brad "Ellis Wyatt" Green from the FreeCapitalist Radio Show. Check out the FreeCapitalist Project at! You can sign up as a member of the Project for FREE on this site and can get updates that will inform you about events and other things that you can use to become a true capitalist and free yourself financially and all the other ways that matter.

I hope to see you around!


P.S. If you're looking for my latest money-making strategy, join my team! Check out what we're doing at:!

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